星期日, 12月 31, 2006

Tapes 'N Tapes - The Loon (2006)

來自美國的新Indie Rock樂團Tapes 'N Tapes,由一群剛畢業的大學生所組成,這張首張專輯由貝斯手Erik Appelwick一人操刀監製,錄音,策劃...等,充滿實驗性的音樂作品,從音樂中可以聽出他們的雄心壯志,獨搖就是充滿自由,變化多端又趣味的音樂,他們學習的對象有Pavement,龐克樂團Television,還有60年代的The Beach Boys...等

整張專輯創新味十足,The Iliad是首詠木馬屠城的敘事詩,輕快的吉他和絃,清脆的小鼓打擊,Josh Grier的爽朗唱腔充分顯出樂團的創作能力,In Houston是首節奏蠻有趣的歌,我還蠻喜歡的,讓人有種躍躍欲試的衝動,Manitoba為一地名,曲中的吉他與電子琴搭配,這種獨特的音樂旋律給人寧靜的感覺,Buckle為首美式風格的音樂作品,推薦給各位試試囉


Anonymous 匿名 said...

Yeah!! a very good rock band from Minneapolis! this album is truely great and i guess it won't take long before this band establishes itself as a reference! Actually to me they sound like the White Stripes, but the similarity is not so much in the sound, as it is in the way they compose their music, though their riffs are a bit more "experimental" and less on the bluesy side overall! Nice play here! =)

6:59 下午  
Blogger Q毛 said...

不知覺的Play下去,看了專輯的簡介,就當做讀書前的精神藥!!!從主唱彷彿流著鼻涕唱出的序曲"Just Drums"輕快的敘史曲"The Iliad"像是到了高朝般的"Insistor"衝破了線界,累了休息一會彈奏不搭嘎的"Crazy Eights",在快要沉淪下去之際"In Houston"聽似名燈的KB招喚,半似敘述的唱腔附合著Bass一起搖擺,"Manitoba"輕快的節奏搭配曲折的聲線起起伏伏,"Omaha"帶點苦甜的滋味,"Buckle"簡單詞句的創意配上帶有個性的樂曲,"Jakov's Suite"回歸開始的輕快感覺......痾...讀書去!!!

6:21 下午  


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