星期五, 2月 15, 2008

Richie Kotzen - Into The Black (2006)


RK 是小弟蠻喜歡的一位吉他名師,他不同於其他吉他英雄以精湛的演奏技術突出重圍,並獲得滿堂採, RK 更用自己的歌聲擄獲大眾,其實小弟最初接觸的是 Tilt 專輯,這張專輯 RK 與另一位吉他名師 Greg Howe 攜手合作,大膽嘗試 Fusion Jazz 風格的曲調,還算是不錯,不過我還是較喜歡前三張的風格,尤其是 Fever Dream 名盤

這張 06 年專輯感覺上較為內斂,經過十幾年的歷練, RK 的音樂給我一種以往看不見的光景,少了年少的輕狂,多了中年的油條,哈哈...

RK 的歌聲更具磁性,曲調中還帶有輕輕的藍調風情,曲子也流行許多,不過唱作俱佳的他,不禁由衷的讓我打從心底佩服

Genre : Guitar Virtuoso / Hard Rock

01.You Can't Save Me
04.The Shadow
05.Doin' What the Devil Says to Do
06.Till You Put Me Down
07.Sacred Ground
08.Your Lies
09.Livin in Bliss
10.My Angel


Blogger uncivilizedbloke said...

hi bee bro! long time no see!!!! =D
because of the university it's now very difficult for me to access blogspot and even more to live a comment! i have to go through all sort of anonymizer to be able to write these few line!! well don't have listened to it yet but i don't know this guy so i really look forward to listening to your new play! and i'll tell you about it afterwards! take care! \m/

2:05 下午  
Blogger Antigöd said...

B弟那張Kozen 少年玉照還真的挺俊的咧..
回來了來這兒嗨一下, 看來B弟也是忙課業..
BTW, Kozen 首專充滿jazz freestyle的當年還很不習慣呢, 感覺被同時出道的Vinnie Moore 蓋影說
不過Richie 持續不懈的出專與嚐試反而比起Shrapnel 同梯更為長青耶
對, Richie 也是少數的聖劍美喉王喲..
take care, B bro!

6:14 下午  


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