星期四, 1月 18, 2007

Testament - Practice What You Preach (1989)

現在心情異常興奮,可能是積壓太久的關係吧!很想用力吶喊一下,用力尖叫一番,也該到Blog喧鬧的時候了,就放點Thrash Metal來爽爽

鞭金實在是太多好團了,要選一個當作最愛其實還蠻困難的,會選Testament是因為太愛Chuck Billy的唱腔,太愛Alex Skolnick的Solo了,雖然後期變的比較偏向死金,不過看過他們的Live演出後,只能用金屬不死來形容,那些還在聽現代流行音樂的年輕朋友們也該醒醒了

Legacy為他們的前身團,1987年的"The Legacy"專輯當作樂團的先鋒部隊,當時鞭爆了那些樂迷們,一路紅到底,80年代的Thrash Metal Band就像傾巢而出一樣,多到不像話,Testament最成功的專輯大概就是第一張與第二張的"The New Order"吧!再加上這張Practice What You Preach就是我最愛的前3張了,樂團的黃金期大概一直到The Ritual這張為止吧,不過在"Live in London"這場演唱會裡Alex與Louie都回來組成黃金陣容了,實在是感動到爆!好了!要說他們說也說不完,聽音樂比較快 \m/>"<\m/

Practice What You Preach


Anonymous 匿名 said...

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Testament! that was a hell of a band! i have always loved their asskicking riffs ...and their guitarists are just awesome,..they always come up with killer leads that blow me away! this album is a bit different from the "classical" testament however as it is more groovy and less thrash IMHO....but it is still excellent as always, ...if not more!! ;)

4:48 上午  


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